Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Quality Time With Jesús

On our last morning in Nicaragua, I took a long walk on the beach.

My heart was full as I thought back to last year's morning walk on the same beach. My head was in a totally different place last year, and I couldn't stop thanking Jesus for the work He'd done in my life during 2013.

I settled down onto the sand to watch the waves before heading back to the hotel, when out of the corner of my eye I saw him.

A man, also walking down the beach.

"Keep walking, buddy," I encouraged him in my head.

But, no.

Over he walked, until he was standing directly in between me and the peaceful waves.

"I am going to practice my English," he said.

"Fabulous," I thought.

"What is your name? And what are you doing here?"

"My name is Lindsay, and I'm here in Nicaragua on a mission trip..."

And then I got a great idea for kindly and cleverly ending this conversation:

"But right now I'm spending some time with Jesus," I said.

His face lit up.

And with much flare, he drew out his crumpled ID card from his pant pocket and shouted - -


Of. Course. You. Are.

Because I forgot I was in Central America.

And also forgot that is how my life works.


He then proceeded to excitedly share with me what he looks for in women, and also what features he finds most attractive.

After hearing enough of his practiced English profanity, I put my earbuds in and watched as he continued to charade what he finds attractive in women, while Jeremy Riddle belted out worship songs inside my head.

Jesús finally became bored with this one-sided conversation, and continued on down the beach.

And I put my head in my hands.

And then I smiled, as I thanked him for his place in my life's chapter called "It's Hard to Walk Unnoticed With a Target on Your Forehead."

1 comment:

  1. That was the FUNNIEST thing I've read in a long time. LOVE LOVE LOVE!
