Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A Few Funnies

On Sunday, we had a second Thanksgiving meal with some Tico and Nico friends. After dinner, Les had us go around the table and each say three things that we were thankful for.

Then he asked each one of us what one goal for our coming year is.

When it was my turn, Jose yelled "MATRIMONIO!"

Way to have a girl's back, Jose!

---------- * * * ----------

The majority of the bus drivers in San Jose seem to be under the impression that they are midnight drag racers in pimped out cars, careening down empty streets, when in reality they are maneuvering gigantic vehicles through ridiculously crowded streets.

And I've often wondered, as buses pass each other with 1/16th of an inch to spare, what happens when there are bus accidents.

As of Monday, I know longer have to wonder.
This is what happens:

            The drivers yell a lot.
                      The passengers look on in bored annoyance.
                                One bus backs up and tries to free itself of the other bus.
                                          Another small collision.
                                                    More yelling.
                                                              More backing up.
                                                                        Freedom for the bus.
                                                                                  Eye rolls from the passengers.

                                                            ---------- * * * ----------

David and I were walking through the community last week, and passed a high place that drops off sharply, providing a stunning view of Los Anonos.

And he told me that he's so afraid of heights, that whenever he even just thinks about them, his hands start to sweat.

Less than sixty seconds later, we came across some guy's 9 foot pet boa coiled in the middle of the road, hissing angrily.

The owner picked it up and carried it away before we walked by, but as we turned the corner David looked over to see the tears on my face.

"What?!" I said. "My eyes sweat when I get scared."


  1. You are a magnificent writer!! You say just enough to tell the story without bogging the reader down with details. Perfect blogging!! Now, in the future, you can expand into a book and add the details!

  2. Hello, Sweet Linds...

    I have missed you, and been on a journey all my own lately. But, I wanted to say hello, and I have spent some time this morning reading your blog and catching up.

    I hope you are doing well, and look forward to having you over for dinner when you get back. Let me know, okay?

    Love and hugs,

  3. Love your humor, your writing--but mainly YOU.

    How I delight in who you are. And MATRIMONIO made me laugh out loud. From Jose's lips to God's ears.

