Friday, June 15, 2012

Ephesians 3:20

"Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work at work within us..." -- Eph 3:20

"And my God will supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus..." - Phil 4:19

My first official fundraiser was this week, down in Virginia.

I threw my massage chair in my car and set out on Sunday morning, for three days of blessing people with chair massages, on a donation basis.

Looking ahead to the trip, I had been praying for a specific amount to be raised. I was being conservative, and after some soul-searching am not all that sure whether it was because I didn't want to be disappointed, I didn't think I was worth asking for more, or what the root cause was, but I picked a number and claimed it with God. I didn't tell anyone what that number was, because I wanted it to be between me & God... I wanted Him to provide, not someone saying, "Well, I'll write a check for the difference."

After three days of giving chair massages, God brought in over THREE TIMES what I had asked for. TRIPLE! TRES!

It was an amazing boost to my faith, but also pretty convicting.

I serve a God who loves me. Who allows me to ask for what I really need. And who ABUNDANTLY provides, in creative and splashy ways.

And it's time that I become not just comfortable when approaching Him, but bold in my requests.

 (Day One of providing chair massage - at a park in Maryland)

Day Two of the fundraiser was at HSLDA. I worked there 10 years ago, and it was a wonderful chance to catch up with some friends, meet many new and wonderful people, and to share my passion for what God has in store for this next chapter in my life.

(Day Three of chair massaging - back porch of a beautiful B&B in Hamilton, VA)

Friday, June 8, 2012

And So It Begins...

It's time to fundraise!

I've sent out some letters and talked to people if they ask questions, but all of the fundraising that I've been doing recently has been to help the teens earn money for the July trip.

Now, it's time to seriously fundraise for October.

This weekend is the kick-off with a yard sale. It's just a first round of purging, but I'm praying that things sell. Partly, because I want my apartment back. I'm not one that loves having my living room/kitchen look like the above!

And early Sunday morning I'm driving to VA for three days of chair massage, to raise money. I'll be at a park on Monday, HSLDA on Tuesday, and a B&B on Wednesday.

I'm excited to see my VA family and friends, to share my passion for Costa Rica, and to bring chair massage to the sunny south!

Be on the look out for pictures.