Saturday, March 30, 2013

Glimpses of People

A day full of people.

Eye exams.

Fitting for glasses.


Those are the stations of the eye glass clinics that we do.

These clinics allow us a view of a gigantic cross-section of humanity.

Here are some of the glimpses I was allowed to observe from my spot in the prayer room.

The old lady who practically skipped in, glowing with joy, and asked with a twinkle in her eye that we would pray for God to provide a boyfriend for her.

The very-pregnant mom, who was so young and toting a wide-eyed two year old along beside her. She let me put my hands on her belly, and as I prayed for that unborn baby's future, I got to feel her jump and kick inside.

The aging parents, sobbing over their son who was deathly ill in a nearby hospital.

The mentally challenged man who came up to complain to us that the other people had prayed for him, and not for his mom. "Where is your mom?" "In Heaven - she's dead." And my heart almost exploded, looking at this man! Because, I saw him through Jesus' eyes... and he makes Jesus smile. Big.

The big sister who brought the little sister, asking for prayer to make her be a good girl.

The young teen, struggling with crippling fear... of everything.

And then, the old woman who reminded me of my Grandmother. Who reached out and held my hand when we prayed for her. And I felt like it was God's way of helping me to see that my stoic Grandmother, who was so often incapable of showing affection, is as of November in a place where she knows what Love is. I clung to that hand while tears streamed down my face. And offered up a prayer of thanks for this woman... and the one she reminded me of.

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