Sunday, May 12, 2013

Today is a Tribute Sort of Day

Happy Mother's Day to my number one fan.

I can't remember if it was when I had my heart broken for the first time, or when I lost one of my closest friends in a car accident, that Mom said to me, "Your experiences are never wasted. Once you have healed, God uses each thing that happens to you, so that you in turn can be the light at the end of someone else's tunnel, who is coming behind you."

And if anyone embodies that quote, it is my Mom.

"Um, Mom... I told ________ your story, because hers is the same. Is it ok if she comes to talk to you?"

Now, I don't even ask Mom any more... I just sent 'em all her way.

You are learning that being a child of divorce hurts? Go talk to my Mom
You were abused as a little girl? Go talk to my Mom
Waited until your late 20's to get married, convinced it was never going to happen to you? Go talk to my Mom
Have in-laws who do not see or value your worth? Please, go talk to my Mom.

Her life is an open book. The healing that she's received, she freely uses to give hope and courage to others.

She's famous for saying, "You always have a choice - to be Bitter or Better." And when faith is small, or non-existent, I can't even tell you how many times I've heard her quietly say, "God has a good track record."

Mom is a consummate optimist. And she raised us in an optimistic home. If she's sick and you ask her how she's doing, her response is always "Well - I've taken DayQuil and had some orange juice, so I know I'll be feeling better soon!"

Technically, Mom was a "statistic."

She came from a broken home.
       Was raised by a single mom.
              And things happened to her when she was younger that we don't often talk about.

However, Mom refused to become a "statistic."

She (along with Dad & God) formed a rock-solid home for her own children
       Became the best mom, cheerleader, support system and friend, to not just her own three children, but many other people's children as well
              And she allowed her story of abuse and healing, to be the light at the end of countless other women's tunnels

And in the year between last Mother's Day and this, she sent me off with her blessing to a foreign country. 


The roots of the tree that I wear around my neck every single day, symbolize the faith and love that you and Dad instilled in me. And the reason I can wear this tree with joy and confidence, is because of your faithful prayers during that dark time period in my life. 

You give me the courage to continue doing what God has asked. You faithfully pray for me. You laugh at my funny stories, and you cry on Skype with me when my heart is breaking. And you still use the word "when" instead of "if" when talking about my life-dreams that I've given up on.

I consider there to be no greater compliment than when people say, "You're just like your mom," because I want to be like you when I grow up.

Happy Mother's Day, most precious of women <3
All my love,


  1. Thank you, Lindsay, for all your loving words and for continuing to see me thru rose-colored glasses after all these years. Thank you for forgiving all the not-nice moments & the mistakes & the falling shorts that your mom also has on her record.

    You continue to be one of the biggest gifts God has sent my way, and you fill my life with friendship and JOY.

    xoxoxo all around the block

  2. Love this. Your mom is a gem.

  3. I know I am the ______ mentioned....Wait, there is more than one of us? You have your mom's genes, my friend. Thanks for sharing your mom and her example with all of us.

  4. Each time you quoted your precious mom in this post, I could hear her voice...I love her and wish I could visit with her be able to share the Lord with each other in person....
    I am positive it would be very easy to get into the "deep end of the pool" with her!
